oh...so that's how i set the fstop..

last night i went over to the lake near south loop (adler planetarium/shedd aquarium) and spent some time shooting.  having not read a manual for this Canon S5, i was taking shots with the manual settings, but not really knowing where all the controls were, or exactly what they did.  last night i figured them all out.  well...not all of what happens when i mess with them...

next steps are studying fstop, iso, shutter speed, etc.  i know from a basic standpoint what they are, but only have a vague idea how each affects the other.  i know i can use a high shutter speed and high iso and still get a picture.  i think that will be especially useful at night...we'll see.

anyway, it's off to blogsville, youtubia, and howto-wn.


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