Silver Vette

Ferrari makes the cars I know I'll never own, but I passionately desire. Sort of like the movie star crushes we had when we were back in school (Farrah Fawcett Majors, anyone?).

Corvettes are the little sister that you discover is much more your style, doesn't need 5 star restaurants, and likes long drives in the country...or across it.

I wish I could remember my first Corvette sighting. I don't remember noticing them until around '78, well after '65 when this one was built (and I was born). If you were to ask what my favorite Corvette is, I'd likely respond with "Whichever one I'm viewing at the moment." All of them draw me in...even the slow, bloated late '70's/early '80's models. But if I could have one right now, just dropped in my driveway, it would be the 2017 Grand Sport. of these days.


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